PoolTogether 第一轮活动才生成了 0.20 DAI 的利息。第二轮活动共售出 2875 张彩票,锁定 5 万余 DAI,奖金也才 203.04 DAI。第三、四轮奖金分别为355.36 DAI、247.90 DAI。
1 DAI 约为 1 美元。毕竟才开始,还行吧。
- 它很酷!不是吗?
- 而且它是区块链独有的玩法!其它任何技术做不到!
- Automatic Pool Reentry(放一笔钱,可以无限循环自动玩) — the default path for your money is to stay in the pool and continue to have a chance to win. A winner is declared every 14 days, we’re calling this a “draw”.
- Enter The Pool at Anytime(随时参与) — You can now join the pool at anytime, when you join you will be eligible for the next draw but not the current draw. The funds are immediately deposited into Compound.Finance earning interest right away.
- Exit The Pool at Anytime(随时退出) — You can also leave the pool at anytime, when you leave the pool you will not be eligible for the prize awarded in that draw.
Unlocking The Power of Pooled Capital
We’re also launching a new pool contract that specifies a pre-determined winner for the interest earned. This will initially be built out to support philanthropic causes(慈善) but we anticipate more use cases being found. We’ll share more information on the launch partners for this new pool type as we approach the release.
- 如果有百万人参与,它每年至少能让一两个人上天。
- 未来的慈善,并不需要谁出钱——现在的慈善常常发生尴尬事,譬如刚捐了钱,发现转账多了一位数(在区块链的世界那就更尬),或者自己突然需要钱。
- 我隐约感觉到未来的去中心化保险也初见端倪。
- 它有成为杀手级应用的潜力。
- 对于参与者来说,它就是一个落地应用,而且很好很靠谱。
虽然MakerDAO抵押模式非极端情况也就并无大问题,但墨菲定律黑天鹅总是迟早的事。还有,MakerDAO年费率半年内从0.5% 暴涨到 20.5% 的决策机制令人诟病。